Cartoon Drawing for Digital Animation

This is the place to find all kinds of extra information required for ARTDM 165-166


Thursday, March 26, 2020

3/26 Class Hangout

Hi Everyone, nice job today!

165 It was great seeing all of your characters come to life, if you need help contact me!

165 Your backgrounds are looking good, if you need any help with composition, color or any other advise for your project, let me know.

*Everyone: Remember, DVC Spring Recess is from March 29 - April 4, we meet again as a group on April 7.

*Everyone: As soon as the Zoom system lets me know that the video is ready I will add the link to it here. Today's class video


1. When you are finished with your final pencil character page, make sure to upload it to canvas so that I can give you feedback if I have not done so already.
2. After I have given you the ok on your design, you should create a pencil test character spin. Up load that to the character spin discussion board so that I can give you some feed back.
3. If the pencil spin test looks good, you can ink your character page.
4. If you would like to get a leg up (literally) you can go to the walk cycle tab at the top of the blog and start working on it.
5. Again... if you have a question please contact me.

1. Finish your back drops and begin working on your final animatic.
2. If need to finish your character pages make sure to at least complete the drawings you can ink them later.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

3/24 Homework

Hi everyone,

1. Make sure I have approved your character design before going onto step 2, if you need to email me your design and I will get back to you ASAP. 
2. It was great seeing your character designs tonight, make sure to go to the "Character Design"  tab at the top of the blog and follow the directions and create your character page, once I have given you the ok on your character design.
3. Make sure to keep your character page in pencil only.

Next Thursday we will have our own specific time to review your projects we will start promptly at 5pm.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Our first live hangout

Thanks everyone! we covered 
a lot of territory today.

*Everyone, keep an eye out I will send you a link for next Tuesdays class on Monday.

* If you are interested in what its like to work in a studio, go to the tab labeled "Cartoon Network and watch the two videos the first is about 40 minutes but its worth it! Put it on in the background as your drawing.

1. Turn in your black inked, Disco drawings to the Disco discussion board. Due at the start of class next Tuesday.

2. Go to the "Character Design tab at the top of the blog and follow the directions for this weeks homework.

3. Turn in your pencil only concept art character page that should have at least 6 sketches of your character. It should show the development of your character as you try out different body types and costumes. *Note: a sketch is not a finished drawing, it's a loose yet recognizable drawing. Up load this to the Character Design Discussion board. Due at the start of class next Tuesday.

4. Turn in your the proposal for the final character on a separate page, black ink only. Remember to keep your character design simple. Neatly write out the character description you came up with during our live chat next to the drawing. Up load this to the Character Design Discussion board. Due at the start of class next Tuesday.

You should be working on the backgrounds for your project. If you like you can draw them in pencil first and show them to me by adding them to the discussion board. We will look at them next Tuesday.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Thursday, March 12, 2020

3/12 Homework

Go to the "Disco" tab and follow the directions, due on Tuesday.

If you have completed your storyboards, begin working on your backgrounds. 

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

3/10 Homework

Go to the Anime tab at the top of the blog and follow the directions.

Thursday I will show you how to rip your audio and add it to your storyboard animatic.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

3/5 Homework

165: finish your sack backgrounds
166: Tuesday we will look at your storyboards as works in progress.

See you at Monster Draw...

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

3/3/20 homework

Go to the Perspective tab at the top of the blog and follow the directions as you create the background for your sack project.

Start working on your thumbnail story boards.

Everyone remember this Friday is MONSTER DRAW