Cartoon Drawing for Digital Animation

This is the place to find all kinds of extra information required for ARTDM 165-166


Thursday, April 26, 2018

4/26 Class Recap and Homework

165 Homework
1. Go to the Jump tab at the top of the blog and follow the directions, the drawn, pencil only key poses are due on Tuesday.
2. On Tuesday you can test the jump as a pencil animatic before inking and coloring it.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

4/24 Class Recap and Homework

Nice job on the walk cycles tonight, next up its drawing a Walk Cycle Background

1. Go to the "Walk Cycle Background" tab at the top of the blog, follow the directions and create a background for you walk cycle character to move through. Due when you come into class on Thursday.

2. On Thursday you will have time to finish inking and creating your walk cycle with a background.

Thursday, April 19, 2018

4/19 Class Recap and Homework

165 Students:
Nice work everyone, its good to see the development of your pencil test walk cycles. 

1. If you showed me your 4 walk cycle poses in class and I said they looked good, please ink them so that we can color them on Tuesday. 

2. If you still need to finish drawing the 4 walk cycle poses please do so by Tuesday so that we can test them as pencil drawings before you ink them. 
(I recommend coming a little early to class to test the pencil 
version of your walk cycle)

3. For those of you that have your walk cycle poses done, go to the "Walk Cycle" tab at the top of the blog and take a look at the bottom of the page. Follow the drawing diagram and try bringing your character to a stop. If you feel confident about your drawing you can ink it and add it to the walk cycle on Tuesday.

4. On Tuesday I will talk about creating walk cycle backgrounds. 

166 Students:
We will look at you watercolor backgrounds on Tuesday.

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

4/17 Class Recap and Homework

165 Students:
1. Your pencil test character spins are looking good.
2. Once I give you the go ahead, ink your character page and create your final spin.
3. Go to the "Walk Cycle" tab and review the next part of the project. You will be taking the character you created for a walk.
4. Your homework for Thursday, use the copy paper from class and draw your character in the 4 poses of the walk cycle. Draw it only in its skeletal form. (No not an actual skeleton). In the drawing below it should look like the basic character drawing on the left. Not like the two on the right which are more like finished characters.  

Below is the information concerning the presentation you will give the last night of class.

166 Students:
1. In your sketchbook, draw two 3" x 4" rectangles side by side.
2. Pick one of the back grounds from your project and draw in each of the rectangles.
3. Using your watercolors, color one Monochromatic, you pick the color. The other should be full color.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

4/12 Class Recap and Homework

     Thanks 165 students, it was great to see your sack drop animations. If you need to make some changes to them, you need to work on them before class during open lab. During class we need to move onto the next project. However, if you do choose to resubmit the work, make sure to show me so that I can look at it with you.

165 Students:
1. In the Richard Williams text book, 
read pages, 102-163.
2. Continue working on the pencil version of your character page, due Tuesday at the start of class.

166 Students:
1. In your watercolor sketchbook, full page draw one of the characters from your big project. 
2. Ink and add watercolor pencil, try to convey a transition from light to dark. 

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

4/10 Class recap and Homework

165 Students
1. On Thursday your 100 heads are due at the end of class. 
2. If you have completed the 100 heads you can work on your character page. 
Go to the "Character Page" tab at the top of the blog and follow the directions. 

166 Students
1. I will check in with you on your progress.
2. On Thursday I will be assigning a homework project with your watercolor pencils, so bring them to class.

Thursday, April 5, 2018

4/5 Class Recap and Homework

165 Students:
1. Super job on your sack animations
2. At the beginning of the next class, I will collect the first draft of your sack drop.
3. For homework as described in class, begin thinking about how you might design yourself as a cartoon character. In your sketchbook, in pencil only draw out 4 versions of yourself. Keep the shapes simple, you can add animal qualities, but the character should show aspects of you, such as, hair style and glasses maybe tennis shoes. It must also stand on two legs and have two arms.

166 Students:
We will look at the progress you have made on your Animatics.

The two videos I showed in class tonight can be found on the tab labeled "Cartoon Network" 
You may want to see the rest of the second video.

See you all Friday night for 
Monster Draw

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

4/3 Class Update and Homework

165 Students:
1. It was great seeing your homework drawings, next Thursday please scan, clean them up and add them to the folders in scratch.
2. Because I was not able to properly introduce the 100 head project, you have a one week extension,
it was originally due on April 5th. Now they are due as completed and scanned work on April 12.
3. Next class you should be able to finish the sack drop by the end of class.
4. If you need more time to work on the project I'm in the classroom at 5pm, please come early, I'm happy to give you some extra help. 

166 Students:
1. Your storyboard animatics are looking good.
2. Next class we will look at the ones we have not seen yet.

1. This Friday MONSTER DRAW
2. Next week, Student Art Show drop off.

100 Head Update

More Head Drawings

On the left heavy black marker, on the right ballpoint pen and pencil.

Below, nothing but glorious Red Pencil, waiting to be inked.