Cartoon Drawing for Digital Animation

This is the place to find all kinds of extra information required for ARTDM 165-166


Friday, June 28, 2013

Some Old Studio Art and a great Article of Animation Schools

In class last week we looked at some early animation, see if you remember any of these characters.

Here is the link to a great article on animation schools...
it's new and very good.
Have a great weekend!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Thursday Homework Update

Thanks everyone it was a great class today... 
Your transformations are really looking awesome!
Over the weekend I will be adding your Blogs and Tumblers to the class blog, so you will be getting an email from me at some point. On Monday at the end of class the final version of the Head project is due... I think at this point most of you will have it done with no problem. For the weekend drawing homework I would like you to try drawing yourself as an over the top Basil Wolverton / Tex Avery style cartoon character. As always use your red/blue pencil and add Ink on top. We will look at them in class on Monday.

Oh... as a side note... if you have created a blog and you have an iphone you can down load the blogger app from the app store and then be able to just take a photo of your work and upload it from your phone.
Just saying... if you want to.

Have a great weekend!  

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Class Update

Please make sure to draw full page, in your sketchbook, red and blue pencil add marker at the end.

Class Update

Hi everyone,
Nice job on the head turns... they are looking great. Keep working on the Transformations... they are due at the end of class this Thursday. In class today I will show you the last part of this project.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

End of the first week of Summer Class Homework

Wow! what a great week everyone, you have all worked very hard and are really creating some very good drawings. The heads animations are looking great... on Monday we will continue working on them. In order to get you ready for next week I have some reading for you to do. In the Richard Williams textbook. Read pg. 217-221 (Flexibility), 
246-250 (Flexibility in the Face), 285-289 (Takes and Accents), 
320-322 (Change of Expression)
For the Second part of the Homework, in you sketchbook, full page, using your red or blue pencil for the sketch and the black pen for the final outline, draw yourself as a Peanuts character. The drawing must look like Charles Schulz drew you himself. 
For this project you have to really look at his drawing style and think about how you might combine your facial characteristics into his drawing mannerisms. Below I have drawn my own interpretation of myself as a Peanuts character.

 If you really want to get a leg up on next week, try coming up with some sketches in your sketchbook that play with different different animals or objects that you could transform into.
If you are having a hard time coming up with something to transform into, have a look at the class you tube channel. You will find the link on the right hand side of the blog. 

Have a great weekend...  
and remember,
Make it weird, make it dramatic and make it snappy!

Monday, June 17, 2013