Cartoon Drawing for Digital Animation

This is the place to find all kinds of extra information required for ARTDM 165-166


Wednesday, July 31, 2019


For homework draw yourself as a Simpsons character. Go to the Simpsons tab for more information.
We will look at them tomorrow.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Godzilla Project

Go to the Godzilla Tab at 
the top of the blog

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

12 principals of animation

For the final please review the 12 Principles of Animation

We will talk about them on Wednesday

Thursday, July 18, 2019

July 18, Homework

Go to the 99 Year old tab and follow the directions, we will look at the drawings on Monday.

Work on your story bible.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

July 17, Homework


1. If you have not done so, please create a studio logo card, see tab above.
2. Make sure you create the pause pose, see the "Walk, Blink, Pause" tab above
3. If you want to try something really different... try creating a squash and stretch head for your animation. It goes between the point when you stop to look at the object in front of you and before you turn your head. Check out the "Squash and Stretch" tab.

Continue working on your bible project

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

July 16, Homework

Here is a link to the page with Copyright information if you would like to review the videos.

1. If you have not done so, please create a studio logo card, see tab above.
2. Make sure you create the pause pose, see the "Walk, Blink, Pause" tab above

Continue working on your bible project

Monday, July 15, 2019

July 15, Homework

For homework, design a thing that your character will jump over. It could be a person or a thing. 

Work on your Bible's, start putting together your information.

7/15 Today in class

1. Character design project
2. Show me the jump cycle homework drawings. 
3. Once I give you the ok, you can scan and create a pencil jump test. 
4. If the pencil test works you may begin detailing your jump drawings and ink.
5. Scan and color your final jump drawings.

1. I will check in with you on your projects.

Thursday, July 11, 2019

July 11 Today in class

For homework, you needed to go to the "Walk Cycle" tab and follow the directions as you draw yourself in the four walk cycle poses. before you scan the drawings, please show me so that we can check for accuracy. 
2. Show your "Walk Cycle Background" ideas, we will pick the best one.
Continue your Animatic project.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

July 10, Homework

1. Go to the "Walk Cycle" tab and follow the directions as you draw yourself in the four walk cycle poses.
2. Go to the "Walk Cycle Background" tab and in your sketch book, in pencil, sketch out 3 possible background for your character. each should be 1" high by 3" wide.

In your sketchbook, on two separate pages, loosely sketch out a different background from your project on each page. Experiment with loose color washes on each with your watercolor pencils.

Today in class

1. Create a test character spin of your pencil character page.
2. If the spin looks good you can ink and color your character page.
3. Review the “walk cycle” tab at the top of the blog.

1. Today we will look at your animatics with the backgrounds as works in progress.
2. You will have homework to do with watercolor pencils.

July 9 homework

165 finish pencil version of character page

Monday, July 8, 2019

July 8, homework

165 students: Go to the "character design" tab and work through the process of character design, for homework you need to come up with the 2 to 3 pages of rough character sketches. we will look at them in class tomorrow. 
Have fun!

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

July 3, Homework

1. Go to the UPA tab and for homework draw your self as a UPA style character.
2. Have a great weekend

1. Over the weekend, work on your Thumbnail panels.
2. Monday at the end of class, be ready to review a draft of your storyboard animatic.