Cartoon Drawing for Digital Animation

This is the place to find all kinds of extra information required for ARTDM 165-166


Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Voice your opinion....

Hi, by the end of class tonight, I would like everyone to make one or more comments on two other student blogs.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Homework reminder

Draw two characters not copied but inspired by the ones you picked in class on Thursday. Make sure to bring the figures back to class. as always, they need to show the full body (hands and feet), ink with a Sharpie.
On Thursday we will continue part 2 of the Pendulum animation and we will talk about the final presentations.
Have a great weekend.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Tonight is Acme night from 6-8 in L151

Hi everyone...
Tonight is ACME night so please meet in L151, as always bring your sketchbooks and your flash drives with your projects. 165 you have the pendulum and 166 you can select from any of your animations from your story.

The home work drawing project was to create a haunted house with a face on it.
Try out the link below for haunted cartoon houses, see you tonight...

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Great Job!

Hi everyone... great job! on Thursday we will look at the projects.

165 Students:
1. Thursday we begin the Pendulum Animation.
    (Be thinking of something that you would like to have in the background).
2. Homework Drawing Project: Draw your version of the Great Pumpkin from the Charles Schultz cartoon.
    (As always show the full body including hands and feet...if it has any. Use Blue &
    Red Pencil, Sharpie for the final drawing.)

166 Students:
1. Since you lost some time because of our special project, I'm extending the due date for your Rough Sketch, Storyboards until October 20th.
2. On the 20th be prepared to talk about your storyboard and the sequence that you would like to animate.

Monday, October 10, 2011

A controversy

Something to think about...when should a classic be retooled no matter how good the intent. Check out the link below to find out more.

Be ready for tomorrow night

Tomorrow night in class, I will distribute the images taken so far. The two groups that still need to shoot will be able to do so, on the white board. Here are some shots from last week.

A Comic Contest.....

Hi everyone, here is the information about the comic contest that I mentioned in class.

We can talk more about it in class.

Extra Credit Event Fundraiser of the 2-D Art Area

This is a great deal... 20.00 for a full day of drawing both a male and female model.

Homework Reminder

165 Students:
Draw the cast of the Munsters, you must include yourself as one of the castmembers. Feel free to add color on this one. Due this Tues. Have fun....

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Hope you APE

Wow what a great time... so many good people to talk to...

a familiar face...

I will fill you in on Tuesday... remember 6-8pm for Acme.

Monster Draw Pictures

Hi everyone,
Here is a sample of the sketches made during the screening of Rocky Horror.

Now its off to APE see you in the city...