Cartoon Drawing for Digital Animation

This is the place to find all kinds of extra information required for ARTDM 165-166


Wednesday, November 27, 2019

No class tonight

Remember no class tonight because the field trip last Sunday replaced our class tonight have a great holiday

Monday, November 18, 2019


here is the link to the making of, please look at so that we can talk about it in class on Wednesday!

165 students, please read carefully, one of the three options below will pertain to you:

1. If you have completed penciling your character page and your walk cycle and tested them both, than you can ink the drawings with black outlines.
2. If you have completed penciling your character page but not the pencil version of your walk cycle, please finish penciling your walk cycle but do not ink it until you have tested it in class next Wednesday. You can ink your completed character page.
3. If you have not completed penciling your character page or your walk cycle, please do so and bring the un-inked drawings to class on Wednesday so that we can test them in Adobe Animate. 

166 Students: 
Continue working on your bible projects.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

11/13 Homework

1. If you need to finish drawing your character page please do so for Monday.
2. Go to the "Walk, Blink, Pause" tab and review the information on the walk cycle. If you have the time you can begin working on the walk cycle. However, we will be working on the walk cycle in class on Monday, so at the very minimum its important that you work do the reading for the project.

1. You should be working on your final project.

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Nov. 6 Homework

1. Go to the tab on "Character Design" and follow the instructions for class next Wednesday. If you want to take a photo of your character design and email it to me, my email is I will send you some feedback.
2. Go to the tab labeled "Character Page" and review for class.

Finish your drawings.... you should be working on your final animatic.

Everyone, no class Monday Nov. 11

See you at Monster Draw this Friday

Monday, November 4, 2019

11/4 Homework

165 students: 
1. Go to the Anime tab at the top of the blog and review the information for Wednesday. In class we will try some of the different Anime styles.
2. On Wednesday I will collect your Disco & UPA drawings

166 Students: 
On Wednesday begin working on your final animatic.