Cartoon Drawing for Digital Animation

This is the place to find all kinds of extra information required for ARTDM 165-166


Thursday, February 28, 2019

Next project

So we are on to our next project...

1. If you need a little more time to work on your leaf drop, you are welcome to stop by on Saturday from 9-3 or come early to class, I'm here at 6:30.
2. Over the weekend have a look at the tab "Inking"
it gives examples of inking techniques.
3. Over the weekend have a look at the tab "Sack Drop." Think about the type of sack and the environment that the sack animation will happen in.
On Tuesday we will work on drawing the sack character page in class.
4. The most important and fun thing to do over the weekend is to go to the tab "Expressive Style" and follow the directions, we will look at the drawings on Tuesday. Have fun!

At this time you should be working on your character pages. At the end of next class please show your rough character spins. They do not need to be inked yet.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

The Leaf project is almost done!

165 Students
Go to the tab labeled Disco and follow the directions, Have fun!

166 Students
Continue working on your character pages.

Monster Draw Time

Thursday, February 21, 2019

The leaves are falling

The leaves are falling... 

Great Job everyone!

1. For homework, go to the tab "Studio Card" and follow the directions, we will look at your drawings on Tuesday.
2. Remember to mark your calendar for March 22 at 6 pm for Monster Draw, more details coming next week.
3. On Tuesday we will continue working on the leaf drop.

Go to the tab "Character Page" and follow the directions, you want to start designing the characters that will be in your production. On Tuesday we will look at your designs.

Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Getting ready for the Leaf Drop

Nice job tonight everyone
1. On Thursday we will begin animating the Leaf Drop.
2. We will also look at your homework drawings.
3. For your drawing project, go to the tab "99 years old" and have fun!

1.If you have not picked a topic yet for your big project, please be ready to pick one on Thursday.
2. On Tuesday of next week the 3rd and final walk, fly & swim animation should be turned in.
3. On Thursday we will talk about character design. 

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Bouncing balls and Illustrator

Bouncing Balls and Illustrator... What a night!

1. Most of you completed the drawing and scanning of your trees for the next project which is great! 
2. Next week we will continue to design and draw the other elements needed for our next animation, the leaf drop.
3. For homework, please go to the tab labeled "Charles Schultz" and follow the directions, I look forward to seeing your drawings on Tuesday.

1. It was good to see your first animations tonight. 
2. Over the weekend I would like you go to the tab marked "Pitch Bible" and review the contents.
3. You will need to pick a movie trailer to base your project on. On the right hand side of the blog there are links to various sites, look for "Internet Archive". On the archive you can find hundreds of trailers for movies that are public domain. The "Internet Archive" is a free online source for movies, television, music that are in the Public Domain. This means they can be re-used for projects like this.
4. If you cannot find a trailer you like on "Internet Archive" site,  go ahead and look through YouTube and see if you find something that was made before 1970. It's best to have two or three possible movies that we can talk about next week. I will work with you to pick the one that is the best for you.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Great Night for the Ball Bounce

1. Go to the tab at the top of the blog labeled "leaf drop"
2. Read through the entire project and watch the video.
3. For Thursday's homework all you need to do is design an old warped tree.
4. Keep the tree design simple, the face of the tree will be drawn separately and added in Adobe Animate.
5. On Thursday you will have time to complete your ball bounce and we will begin using illustrator.

1. On Thursday we will look at the walk fly swim innovations you turned in.
2. On Thursday we will also start talking about the big project.

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Wow... what a night!

Rubber Hose and Frankenstein
what a combo!

The drawings were looking really good tonight!

1. Go to the tab marked Simpsons, and follow the directions for the drawing homework. If you want to style your drawing after Simpsons, Futurama or Enchanted you may do so.
2. Go to the tab marked Ball bounce, please read and review the videos for Tuesdays class.

1. Tuesday your first animatic is due so work on your frame drawings over the weekend.
2. We will begin talking about a big project next week.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Great Drawing Tonight

Great job on your Zombies Tonight

1. Go to the Tab labeled Rubber Hose and follow the directions. The project is due at the beginning of next class.
2. Next class we will spend the majority of class working in Adobe Animate.
3. If you have not watched the video on caricature please do so before next class.
1. Great job on your character designs. 
2. As you work on your 3 animations keep in mind that they do not need to be in color.
3. The animations can be done as digital animatics, they do not need to be fully hand drawn. The only hand drawn part you need to have are the concept drawings.
4. You may work on the animations in any order.
5. The fist one is due at the end of class on 2/12/19