Cartoon Drawing for Digital Animation

This is the place to find all kinds of extra information required for ARTDM 165-166


100 Heads

Draw 100 Heads

In your Sketch Book draw exactly 100 human heads as part of your Midterm project. 

Each head should be no smaller than 1" square and no larger than 2" square in size. Neatness counts, depending on the size of your sketch book, the number of heads per page will vary. Keep the heads in neat rows, none of the heads should touch each other or the edges of the page. If you have the sketchbook size from the syllabus you will be able to draw 4 rows of 4 heads in each row.

Red Pencil, Blue Pencil, Pen, Marker, Watercolor Pencil, Wash Pencil, Ball Point Pen. Do not use just one kind of drawing material, experiment.

1. Before you begin drawing on each page, lightly draw evenly spaced out ovals, these will help you to manage the space. Sample page to the right.

2. I will supply you with the first 20 heads. Draw them in order as they appear on the handout. For the other 80 heads you must draw celebrities of any kind and as you draw them jot down the persons name.
3. As you work your way through the first 20 heads please follow this process. Using your red pencil, begin with the first head in the upper left side.
- Draw/trace the outside of the head on the handout
- Add the vertical and horizontal orientation lines, pay attention to 
  the curvature of the head.
- Trace over the features, as you do, focus on simplifying the shapes, the 
  goal is to learn about the face before you draw in your sketchbook.
- Once you have finished you can begin drawing the same person in 
  your sketchbook. 
- Repeat the process until you have gone through all 20 drawings.

The goal is to draw a cartoon of the person not a sketch.

4. You may find this surprisingly difficult. All of your usual approaches will wear out within 20 drawings. You’ll have 80 to go, you will scramble to find other drawing materials, a different way of thinking, and then you’ll have 30 done with 70 to go. You may go bonkers, nonetheless you will have to deliver 100 pictures of human heads. The vexation you will experience is part of the process, and of significant value. If they take too long to produce, alter your methodology to speed things up. 

Some of you will gasp up and limp to the finish line. All of you will gain insight into your working methods. This project is meant to help you improve your endurance and think beyond your usual drawing methods.

In the end:
You will have 100 neatly drawn, evenly spaced, cartoon portraits that are drawn in a clear, easy to see method, with a variety of drawing materials and an attention to proportion.

The completed, scanned drawings are Due April 11th. For this project, no late work will be accepted. 

* The video below is a demo of myself drawing and inking. 

*Below is the guideline for drawing the head.

* Below is a sample of sticking with one photo until you get to a 
design you like.

The Video below shows a quick demonstration of how to draw the sample heads 

Materials used: pencil, felt pen, ball point pen, watercolor pencils, highlighters and a water brush

If you would like to see a 
longer real time version of 
the top row being created 
select the video below.

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