Cartoon Drawing for Digital Animation

This is the place to find all kinds of extra information required for ARTDM 165-166


Sack Drop

Sack Drop Project

Create an environment that shows the sack up high on a shelf wanting to get down and it must fall or drop to a midpoint on the stage and then come to a landing on the ground. Guess which of the 12principles of animation we will be using for this project? 

1. Design your sack character. Choose one design (See video)
2. Create sack character page. (See video)
3. Ink your character page. (See Video)
4. Create character Spin in AA that tests your sack. Using only the 5 images that show the sack rotating in the same pose. This test is designed to give the animator its first visual of the character as something 3 dimensional. 
(see Video)
5. Set up movie for the Sack drop project using the movie outline as shown below.

Movie Outline 
A. Scene one: 
3 Sec. Your production studio card
3 Sec. The title card (Title of cartoon and your name)
B. Scene two: Body of movie
3 Seconds nothing happens then sack looks over ledge, slips, falls onto a lower level, bounces or shifts its way down to the ground, landing with a thud. At the end the sack stays down for 3 Sec. then end.
C. Scene Three:
3 Sec. End card.

Examples of Student Final Projects

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