165 Dates to remember:
Today: Sack Drop
At the end of class please turn in your sack drop. place in class folder.
October 24: Homework drawings from first half of semester are due.
Please copies of both your B/W and colored images into the class folder. Make sure you name is on the work. If you have reworked the project or are late to turn it in, this is the time to do so. (Most of you have turned this work in)
November 5: Field Trip
Oakland Museum of Art 9:30-11:45
November 9: All of the scanned and inked Black and White Drawlloween drawings will be due.
*Each drawing should be full page in your sketchbook.
*The drawings must follow the spirit of that days theme. (This may require you to do some research so that you understand the topic, if you need to ask about it, please do).
166 Dates to remember:
October 24: Projects Due
*Character Pages
*Character Spins
*Place the scanned drawings into the class folder.
Most of you have turned in your Thumbnail Animatic. However, If you have reworked the project or are late to turn it in, this is the time to do so.
November 5: Field Trip
Oakland Museum of Art 9:30-11:45
165 Today in class:
Character spin