Cartoon Drawing for Digital Animation

This is the place to find all kinds of extra information required for ARTDM 165-166


Thursday, April 26, 2012

Info about Disneys Paperman

Hey everyone! check out the link above for more info...

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Hi everyone,
165 students, great job working on the blink/head turns last night. Be ready for the transformation part of the project on Thursday. At that time you will need to know what you would like to transform into and have some digital images to use as reference material.
166 Students, it's been great seeing your projects. On Thursday, we will look at the rest of them. For next Tuesday during the broadcast be prepared to show work to Frank from your story bible.
See you then...

The Crawling Eye...


Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Disney Group

Here is our group that visited the Disney studios. In this photo they are being interviewed by Frank Gladstone from ACME.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Thursday, April 12, 2012

165 Students Walk/Jump project

165 Students- Tonight at the end of class, your walk/jump project is due.

A folder labeled "Walk" has been created in the class folder on the scratch drive. When you work is done place both a .MOV version and a .SWF

166 Students Presentations

166 Students- On Thursday April 19, you will give your mid-term presentations. See this as a sales pitch, give a summary of your story, show your character designs, character turns, backgrounds, story board animatic (properly timed), and any sample animation that you may have. All the work must be presented have organized, labeled folders for easy reference. Be positive, and sell yourself!

I'm looking forward to seeing your work.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


We Have ACME tonight in Room L151 
from 6-8 pm see you then!
P.S. make sure you bring your sketchbooks...

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Drawing homework update

Hanging out with folks from class at the cafe drawing heads....

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Story Board Get Together

Hey 166 Folks! want to meet up for some storyboard brainstorming! 

If your available come on by...

Caffe La Scala

1655 N Main St Ste 110 Walnut CreekCA 94596
I will be there this Wednesday, April,4th from 2pm-7ish pm. You can call my cell 925 640 5172 or just show up.
ThIS iS NoT A REqUiReD FieLD TRiP....!!!! IF YouR AvAilABLE aND You COulD USe SoME ExTRA HelP WiTH YouR STOrybOARDS, YoU Can FINd Me HEre....

Drawing Homework Reminder for the 165 Students

Some of the drawings may be more refined like the ones above or you can make them look simpler. However, at all times remember that your trying to create cartoons, not sketched portraits.