Cartoon Drawing for Digital Animation

This is the place to find all kinds of extra information required for ARTDM 165-166


Thursday, May 4, 2017


165 Students: 
1.  Today in class, work on coloring and assembling all the elements for your final project. (See previous blog post for details).
2. Before you leave class today, publish what you have as a mov. file. I have placed a file called 
"Final project draft 1" into the usual place 
in scratch.
3. For homework, Draw and ink the thing that you will be jumping over for your final animation. On Tuesday, scan it, color it, and add it to your movie.

166 Students:
1. In class, build your bible project portfolio. At the 

end of class, please turn in the following as scanned

documents into an electronic folder with your name

on it, into a folder labeled, "166 portfolio". The folder

will be in the class folder on scratch.

Main folder:  Last name, Movie project name 
Inside main folder: (One folder for each letter).
A. Folder with character pages and the character spins.
B. Backgrounds
C. Thumbnails and story board animatic.
D. Draft version of mov. file and story pitch.

2. For homework: