The summer gang!
Cartoon Drawing for Digital Animation
This is the place to find all kinds of extra information required for ARTDM 165-166
Thursday, July 24, 2014
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
Thursday, July 17, 2014
Week 5 Homework Drawing
Homework Drawing Project
Draw yourself at 99.
One page, using Blue & Red pencil and ink using two different pen nibs.
Yep... Below is a version of myself
with pencil and ink.
Here I am cleaned up with color.
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Week 5 Homework Drawing Project
Homework Drawing Project:
Draw a combination of the following subjects into one image. Tell a story with the subject matter. One page, using Blue & Red pencil and ink using two different pen nibs.
The Drawing must include the following in any combination and anyway.
1. Cephalopod
2. Hat
3. Wings
4. Hot Rod

Draw a combination of the following subjects into one image. Tell a story with the subject matter. One page, using Blue & Red pencil and ink using two different pen nibs.
The Drawing must include the following in any combination and anyway.
1. Cephalopod
2. Hat
3. Wings
4. Hot Rod

Yep... this is my version of the project.
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Week 5 Homework
Homework Drawing project:
Draw yourself as a Peanuts character.
1. The final image should look as if Sparky had drawn you himself.
2. Show the full body.
3. Use the red and blue pencil (blue for the geometric shape
and red for the details).
4. Add ink using two pen thicknesses.
5. Color is optional.
Draw yourself as a Peanuts character.
1. The final image should look as if Sparky had drawn you himself.
2. Show the full body.
3. Use the red and blue pencil (blue for the geometric shape
and red for the details).
4. Add ink using two pen thicknesses.
5. Color is optional.
Yep ...! its your instructor
as a Peanuts character.
Here is a fun bonus image for you... horror characters as if drawn by Sparky (AKA Charles Schulz).
Monday, July 14, 2014
Week 5 Monday Homework
Homework Drawing Project
Yep....It's your instructor as a Simpsons character.
*Drawing tips: They have severe overbites and the arms and legs are generally rounded like the rubber hose style.
*Drawing tips: They have severe overbites and the arms and legs are generally rounded like the rubber hose style.
Here are some great "Simpson Couch Gags"
Arthur King,
character design
Thursday, July 10, 2014
Weekend Monster Draw Project
Please select the link below to
view the entire homework project.
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
Week 4 Day 15
Most of you have your walks and backgrounds completed. The next step
is to have your character come to a stand still and then jump. Read over the images below we will work on them tomorrow in class.
Most of you have your walks and backgrounds completed. The next step
is to have your character come to a stand still and then jump. Read over the images below we will work on them tomorrow in class.
The drawing homework is to draw yourself as a Disco Star... ham it up! have fun! as always the drawing should be done in your sketchbook, red & blue pencil with black ink, color is optional.
Yep! that's me as a Disco Dude.....!
Arthur King,
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
Week 4 Day 14
165 Students:
1. Draw a background for the walk cycle.
2. Make sure that the lines on the left and right sides of the page are at the same level, so that when we copy and paste the image we will get one that will give us a wide look.
3. Remember to leave the bottom 3rd of the page empty, this is were the walk and jump will take place.
4. Use blue and red pencil, add black marker paying attention to line quality.
5. you can draw any kind of back drop as long as it relates to the character and the object that you will be jumping over.
166 Students:
On Thursday be ready to show what you have so far. The body of the movie should be built and the backgrounds in place. Most of you will have a bit of actual animation to show.
See you tomorrow.
165 Students:
1. Draw a background for the walk cycle.
2. Make sure that the lines on the left and right sides of the page are at the same level, so that when we copy and paste the image we will get one that will give us a wide look.
3. Remember to leave the bottom 3rd of the page empty, this is were the walk and jump will take place.
4. Use blue and red pencil, add black marker paying attention to line quality.
5. you can draw any kind of back drop as long as it relates to the character and the object that you will be jumping over.
166 Students:
On Thursday be ready to show what you have so far. The body of the movie should be built and the backgrounds in place. Most of you will have a bit of actual animation to show.
See you tomorrow.
acme animation cartoon drawing,
Arthur King,
Monday, July 7, 2014
Week 4 Day 13
165 students:
1. In your sketchbook draw 12 different characters keep the drawings loose, show the shapes and set up lines. Do not add ink to these drawings. Your goal is to pick one of the drawings and use it for an animated walk/jump animation.
2. After you have chosen the character that you want to draw, on a separate sheet of paper draw that character standing both forward and in profile. Both drawings should line up completely, everything should be at the same height. Start this by measuring down from the top of the page 2" and marking it with a line across the page horizontally. Next, measure 1" up from the bottom and draw a line horizontally.
Your character must fit within this space. On Tuesday we will work on the walk cycle drawings in class.
166 Students:
You should be working on your backgrounds and thinking about the style of graphics that you want to use.
On Thursday you should have about ten seconds of footage to show.
Tomorrow we will look at the leaf drop animations!
165 students:
1. In your sketchbook draw 12 different characters keep the drawings loose, show the shapes and set up lines. Do not add ink to these drawings. Your goal is to pick one of the drawings and use it for an animated walk/jump animation.
2. After you have chosen the character that you want to draw, on a separate sheet of paper draw that character standing both forward and in profile. Both drawings should line up completely, everything should be at the same height. Start this by measuring down from the top of the page 2" and marking it with a line across the page horizontally. Next, measure 1" up from the bottom and draw a line horizontally.
Your character must fit within this space. On Tuesday we will work on the walk cycle drawings in class.
166 Students:
You should be working on your backgrounds and thinking about the style of graphics that you want to use.
On Thursday you should have about ten seconds of footage to show.
Tomorrow we will look at the leaf drop animations!
If you want to try the walk cycle drawings before class go ahead...
Arthur King,
character design,
Diablo Valley College,
dvc artdm
Friday, July 4, 2014
Thursday, July 3, 2014
Week 3 Day 12
4th of July weekend homework!
1.Draw our nations aunt and uncle as if the they had super powers.* Please show the entire body, use blue and red pencil, add black marker paying attention to line quality.
2. Reading assignment:
Walk Cycle: Read about walks in the text book. Pages 102-163. We will begin working on this next week. As you read pay special attention to pages 108, 122, 136, 151-153 & 163.
Arthur King,
Diablo Valley College,
dvc artdm
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
Week 3 Day 10
Today's Homework
165 Students:
Re-Design the DVC Viking. The design of the character must be flexible so that he can look tough in any situation. Think of the Jeannie in Aladdin, our viking can be into sports, computers, cooking or any subject that we teach at DVC.
For tomorrow be ready to show your first draft of the character, full body, ink is optional.
Sample Viking
166 Students:
Create a cast line up with the characters you will be using in your commercial. Make sure that they are all on one page with the feet at the same level. If you have already done this you may want to start sketching out some backgrounds.
Sample Cast Line Up
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