Cartoon Drawing for Digital Animation

This is the place to find all kinds of extra information required for ARTDM 165-166


Tuesday, March 28, 2017


165 Students:
1. No new drawing projects tonight.
2. This is your chance to get caught up, look back at the blog for past homework assignments, make sure you are all caught up. 
3. Next class, bring in your sketchbook, I will be reviewing them and looking for your drawings.
4. Next class, we will look at your final sack drop animations.
5. Next class I will introduce the next animation project.
6. We will review your 6 classmate cartoons.

166 Students:
Please be ready to turn in the following two things in one folder.
A. Your thumbnail animatic with sound.
B. A copy of the actual trailer that you used as the basis for your project. 

2017 James O'Keefe Comic contest winners

Presenting the 2017 James O'Keefe Comic contest winners

Thanks to Nick Sousanis for coming out and talking about his new book, Unflattening and Joe Field from Flying Color Comics for talking to our DVC students and encouraging them to keep being creative no matter what.

Select the link to see all the entries

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Draw Your Classmates

165 Students:
The "Cartoon 6 Classmates" 
project is due at the 
end of class on 3/28. 

Happy St. Patricks Day

Happy St. Patrick's Day


Thursday, March 16, 2017

3/16 Homework

165 Students:
In your sketchbook, draw yourself as a Disco Star or Roller Skating Disco Diva in any style you like, UPA, Rubber Hose, Anime.... Full body, use red pencil first, then ink, pay attention to line quality. Have fun!
Yep, the one below is me!

166 Students
Due dates Animation Bible project:
*Each is due at the end of class.

3/21 Character Pages and Character Spins 
        (Pencil Versions)
3/23 Thumbnail Animatic 
        (With timing, as demonstrated in class)
4/13 Backgrounds (Pencil Version)

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

3/14 Homework

Hi everyone, 
Divide the page into four quarters and draw yourself four times on the same sheet of paper. Experiment with caricature based on the the example provided in the handout. Use your blue or red pencil. No Graphite! Below is an example of a faces drawn as a caricatures. 
*Play with moving the eye line up and down
*(Note that the setup lines can still be seen).
*Note: The black and white drawing shows shading, you do not need to shade. *You will add your source photo before turning it in, I will talk about how to do it in class.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

3/9/17 Homework

165 Students:
Looking forward to seeing you at Monster Draw tomorrow night!

*My students get extra credit for attending.

Weekend Homework:
In your sketchbook, full page, full body, using your red or blue pencil, draw yourself as an Anthropomorphic Anime style character. Try to create something that looks like you as an animal. Use two different pens and ink your drawings.

 Anthropomorphic characters 
have always been part 
of human mythology.

 Today they are still with us 
in popular culture

          Yep, the one below is me.                

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

3/7/17 Homework

165 Students:
1. Please add the 4 action poses to the bottom of your character page, pencil only. It's ok to copy some of the poses from the blog.
2. In your sketchbook, on one page, draw 3, 2" x 3" rectangles. 
Each rectangle should be a different, pencil only, concept sketch which might serve as a backdrop for your sack jump background, for details on the sack project, go to the top of the blog and tap on the SACK DROP tab.
3. Thursday when you come in we will look at your background ideas.
4. Thursday you will have some time to finish your sack pencil rotation in AN (Adobe Animate)
5. Bring your rulers, white erasers and red pencils, I will demonstrate how to add perspective drawing to your work and share some special tips that focus on animation.
6. Please take a couple of minutes, go to the SACK DROP tab at the top of the blog and read all of the information about the sack drop project, jot down any questions you might have.
7. I will give out grades for the Leaf project.

*Since you are thinking about backgrounds I have included 3 very good videos about storyboarding and the artists that create them. The first two are Dream Works artists and the third is all about Pixar.

166 Students:
On Thursday at the end of class, we will look at your (as close to being fully designed as possible), pencil character page spins.

James O'Keefe Comic Contest Awards


Draw yourself as a Big Eye, 
Anime Character

In your sketchbook, full page, full body, using your red or blue pencil, draw yourself as an Anime style character.